
New Black Hole, potentially closest to the Earth so far

 "They’ve found plenty of big and medium-size ones over the years—including a supermassive monster at the heart of our galaxy. But until recently, they’ve seen no signs of small ones, and that’s presented a long-standing mystery in astrophysics.

Now, astronomers have discovered a black hole with just three times the mass of the sun, making it one of the smallest found to date—and it happens to be the closest known black hole, at just 1,500 light-years from Earth.      

The discovery “implies that there are many more [small black holes] that we might find if we increased the volume of space that we searched,” says Tharindu Jayasinghe, an astronomer at Ohio State University and lead author of a new paper detailing the discovery in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The finding “should create a push to find these systems.”

Jayasinghe and his colleagues have dubbed the object the “unicorn,” in part because it is unique, and in part because it was found in the constellation Monoceros, named by ancient astronomers after the Greek word for unicorn. By studying this unicorn and other objects like it, researchers hope to get a clearer picture of what happens to stars in the final moments of their lives and why some of them collapse to become black holes while others leave behind dense stellar husks called neutron stars."

Source: National Geographic


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